Fallout 4 Remnants Power Armor

Fallout 4 Remnants Power Armor 9,6/10 1045 votes
  1. Fallout 4 Remnants Power Armor Location

While the Remnants Power Armor has significantly more DT (Helmet & Armor have +5 more) it has an extremely low item HP of 400, whereas T-51b has 2,000.In regards to effects:T-51b - STR +1, Rad. +20, Remnants - STR +1, Rad. +15.T-51b Helmet - CHR +1, Rad.

+8, Remnants - CHR -1, Rad. +5.Clearly T-51b has the advantage in terms of effects.T-51b WG: 40.00 + (Helmet) 4.00Remnants: 45.00 + (Helmet) 5.00T-51b is also lighter.Is the extra DT really worth the other shortcomings? I'd wager T-51b is superior.Posts: 3479 Joined: Fri Jun 23, 2006 1:48 am. And and see the 'Real' differences. APA 'should be' better in every way. However in game balance seems to be fairly off in those reguards.

They seem to want to try and have a 'best' armor in each wieght class.Posts: 3402 Joined: Fri Jul 28, 2006 3:23 am. Honestly for headgear you're better off combining the Atomic-Valence Tri-Radii-Oscillator with the Space Suit Helmet - it has the same DT as the Remnants Helmet but with the added benefit of less weight and health regeneration, what's not to like?

Of the two I'd say maybe the T-51b, what good is the extra DT of the Remnants Power Armour when it degrades too quickly to maintain it's high DT anyway? Even with Jury Rigging reparing power armour still seems like a pain as metal armour isn't as common as you'd think, HP is an important factor IMO.Posts: 3541 Joined: Wed Oct 11, 2006 3:04 pm. Honestly for headgear you're better off combining the Atomic-Valence Tri-Radii-Oscillator with the Space Suit Helmet - it has the same DT as the Remnants Helmet but with the added benefit of less weight and health regeneration, what's not to like? Of the two I'd say maybe the T-51b, what good is the extra DT of the Remnants Power Armour when it degrades too quickly to maintain it's high DT anyway? Even with Jury Rigging reparing power armour still seems like a pain as metal armour isn't as common as you'd think, HP is an important factor IMO.Problem is you look ridiculous, I'd rather use the elite riot helmet with 1st recon beret. I'll sacrifice DT for looks ha.Posts: 3457 Joined: Fri Nov 23, 2007 12:39 pm. Wait a sceond.

If the Enclave Remnants armor is a superior model to it. Shouldn't it be better than T-51b in everyway? It would be different if the remnants armor was sitting around in the elements for all this time. But it was safely stored away in a bunker.Topic: It still use the Enclave Remnants armor.

It looks 20% cooler.Damn right, better than the stupid dog-face armour from Fallout 3. It should be better in all respects but isn't. The all of the Riot Armour derivitatives should be so effective as too render power armour pointless either. Or, better yet, keep the Riot Armour stats as they are and MAKE POWER ARMOUR LIKE POWER ARMOUR AGAIN, BALANCE IS UNREALISTIC AND INCONSISTANT.Posts: 3447 Joined: Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:00 am. Damn right, better than the stupid dog-face armour from Fallout 3.

It should be better in all respects but isn't. The all of the Riot Armour derivitatives should be so effective as too render power armour pointless either. Or, better yet, keep the Riot Armour stats as they are and MAKE POWER ARMOUR LIKE POWER ARMOUR AGAIN, BALANCE IS UNREALISTIC AND INCONSISTANT.Screw balance, this is Fallout!I think when you wear it, the speed effect should be negated, it's weight goes away, you gain carry more weight, you can use any gun strength wise, and they should add more DT/DR to it.Posts: 3413 Joined: Tue Aug 01, 2006 10:31 pm.

Problem is you look ridiculous, I'd rather use the elite riot helmet with 1st recon beret. I'll sacrifice DT for looks ha.I know the feeling, I'd never use the combination myself because of vanity!I'd say of all power armours the Scorched Sierra Power Armour is the best as it has decent HP, doesn't impinge on AG and most importantly gives health regeneration. Also, though this is a bit subjective, I'd argue that fire resistance is better than radiation resistance as a permenant feature as radiation resistance is all too easily boosted with Rad-X.Posts: 3442 Joined: Mon Oct 22, 2007 3:38 pm. MAKE POWER ARMOUR LIKE POWER ARMOUR AGAIN, BALANCE IS UNREALISTIC AND INCONSISTANT.I completely agree with that.

I remember in Fallout 2 when somebody either punched me, or used a melee weapon on me and I was wearing Advanced Power like a boss. Their attacks wear completely useless. But now if someone punches me I take damage. A pack of feral ghouls ownd my ass one time in power armor.

Leave it up to Bethesda to censored up game mechanics.Power armor now is pretty mcuh pointess. I should be near invinceable in most power armor. If a guy has a pistol and starts firing it at me. I shouldn't take any health damage at all. The only thing that should be damaged is the armor. Your armor should be near impenetrable to most weapons.

It still should take damage(not from punches), but you shouldn't take health damage.Also in Fallout 2 going up against the Enclave was scary. Because they were hard as censored to kill.

Now they are a complete joke. Because they are easy too kill.

Bethesda stay the hell away from Fallout.Posts: 3471 Joined: Sun Jun 24, 2007 2:31 am.

Organized List of Fallout: New Vegas Console Commands & ID Codes. IntroductionThis Guide has been made to act as a quick way to access the Games Console Commands. Remember in order to access the console to press the Tilda key.This information can also be obtained from the beautiful fallout wiki containing the beautiful lore of fallout and content.This Guides focused more on Item ID and does not go very in depth to General Commands.If you want to quickly find something do Shift+F and Type in what you want.THIS GUIDES A WORK IN PROGRESS, I’M CONSTANTLY ADDING IN ITEMS WHEN REQUESTED AND OR DOING IT ON MY OWN.

Player Commands. tfc – Toggles the free camera movement so you can look around at your own character. tcl – Toggles collision so you can walk through things or go flying. (NOCLIP).


Fallout 4 Remnants Power Armor Location

tgm – Toggles God Mode (Unkillable, Infinite Ammo & Shots without the need to reload.