Quest For Glory Katrina
Obviously a graduate of the Famous Adventurer's Correspondence School.: You are referred to by your name a handful of times. For the most part, you are referred to as 'Hero', 'Prince of Shapeir' and 'Paladin' (if you are that class).: The core classes, but since points are given at the beginning to help build the character, he can have some cross-class skills.: It's in the job description.
The whole series is about the Hero becoming more and more heroic over time.: Giving Magic to a non-Wizard allows this, as does being a Wizard (the first spell a Magic-User learns in the first game is Zap, a spell to assist in close combat). A Paladin gets a few spells, but they use Stamina, and aren't considered magic.: In the third game. Your character will pick up spear throwing and wrestling on the wooden bridge of the Simbani. Within a week or so of training, he'll be able to defeat Simbani warriors who trained at this all their lives. Can be considered since he's a skilled adventurer who's had to do more than his fair share of throwing and balancing in the past.: Not literally, as the character is able to communicate with others, but the Hero will almost never say anything directly, instead having the gist of his speech relayed by the narrator.

There are several exceptions, in the first two games. Clicking the mouth on him in the VGA remake in Quest for Glory I will yield 'Overworked. No control over my life'.
Quest for Glory II has him talking to Aziza when talking about Julanar, with 'Yes ma'am', 'Only the facts ma'am', and 'What's a pomegranate?' The fanmade VGA remake adds him babytalking to Simba, complete with a facial portrait. He shuts you up pretty good.: Dude went from fighting bandits aided by magicians to fighting. Culminates in the final game, when the of the game, the Dragon of Doom, is outright stated to be unkillable, and can only be sealed. But the hero is so badass at this point that he can safely ignore that and kill it.: If you so choose, at the end of the series, you can turn down the crown to the kingdom and continue your heroic journeys. /: The few truly evil deeds you can do in the games will be noticed.ErasmusA powerful and pun-loving wizard who lives in Spielberg with a summer home in Silmaria. He and his familiar, the smart aleck rat Fenrus, help the Hero out directly in games So You Want to Be a Hero and Dragon Fire as well as mentoring him at the Wizards' Institute of Technocery in game Trial by Fire (and making a cameo at the end of Shadows of Darkness).: Fenrus is Erasmus'.
Or is it the other way around?.: He's a lot sharper than he looks.: Sometimes painfully.EranaA mysterious half-Faerie Folk archmage whose presence is seen throughout the series, even though she herself isn't. She is known for creating magical gardens of incredible peace and safety. She is presumed dead because her attempts to prevent the Dark One from coming into the world resulted in her being trapped between worlds, until the Hero's actions in banishing Avoozl release her spirit and finally allow her to pass on to the afterlife.
In Dragon Fire, the player can choose to rescue her from Hades, which allows a romance with her; she's the best match for Paladins, but honorable Wizards can also woo her.: The Betty to Katrina's Veronica in Dragonfire for a wizard. She's all-loving, friendly, and devoted to protecting all living things.: She sacrificed her life to banish the Dark One from Mordavia and was only partially successful.: She has devoted her life to protecting life, leaving peaceful glades in her wake where no creature can harm another.: For the first three games.: Half-elf, half human.: Surprisingly, one can learn in the fifth game that she has an inferiority complex due to the passive nature of her magic. She feels that despite all her power, all she can do is create her gardens.: 'By all my will, I banish to-'.: She's been dead for a while before the hero starts coming in contact with the peaceful areas she has left behind.
The hero can choose to bring her back to life in Dragon Fire or can allow her spirit to rest, although unhappily.Rakeesh Sah TarnaA Liontaur Paladin, Rakeesh was the king of Tarna until he abdicated power to his brother Rajah in order to pursue the demons that threatened the land. In his travels, he became a Paladin and suffered a that keeps him out of action. The Hero meets him in Shapeir, and Rakeesh rapidly becomes his mentor and father figure (even more so if the player chooses to become a Paladin himself).
BrunoA member of the brigands, Bruno conspired with his friend Brutus to overthrow their leader and take over. He can usually be found hanging out at the town gate and will give the Hero (false) information about the goings-on in the valley. He suddenly returns in Dragon Fire as the assassin of King Justinian and attempts to exact revenge on Elsa and the Hero for their part in the dissolution of the brigands.: But the information he offers is available in other, less expensive ways.
Bruno is only there to prevent the game from becoming.: 'Oh, and if you want a good time, try the Dragon's Breath!' .: He appears to be a normal (if untrustworthy) thief at first, but it turns out he's a brigand who's joined the thief guild to act as a spy within the town.: Against Elsa and the Hero in Dragon Fire.: Downplayed somewhat because while he may not be as clever as he thinks, he is a genuinely lethal fighter.Baronet Barnard von SpielburgBaron Stephan von Spielburg's son, who disappeared while on a hunting trip several years before Quest for Glory I. The Hero finds him captured by the Kobold, transformed into a bear and bound by an enchanted shackle. His rescue restores hope to the despondent baron.: Was turned into a bear by the kobold wizard.: Holding this mentality is what drove Elsa away from Spielburg circa Dragon Fire.: The 'gratitude' for his rescue is more of a formality forced upon him by his father.BrauggiA frost giant from Jotunheim, he comes to Spielburg to fill his food stores with the local fruit.
Quest For Glory Katrina
He is willing to barter a glowing gem (one the Hero needs for his quest) in exchange for fifty apples, after which he leaves satisfied. /: All this dialogue consists of rhymes with generally alliterative lines.: Brauggi has blue skin.: Don't tick him off, lest you end up on the wrong end of it.: Specifically of the 'Jotunheim frost' variety. AzizaThe resident spellcaster of Shapeir, Aziza is a powerful water-attuned sorceress with a focus on divination and mind for manners. She serves as the Hero's magical contact in Trial by Fire and instructs him in how to defeat the elementals and help Julanar.: While knowledgable in all areas of magic, water is her specialty.: Tells you all you need about the elementals and Julanar and Iblis in the second game. In the third game, she gives the player a recap of the end of the second game, and sets up the plot of the third.: She is able to see distant events and look through time thanks to her powers.Poet Omar/ Sultan Harun al-RashidA fabled poet of Shapeir, Omar's poems clue the player as to what is going on with the plot. Poet Omar is also the Sultan of Shapeir in disguise. In the end of the game, he adopts the player as his son.:.: He's very.
Good thing he hangs out with a translator who will interpret everything for you.JulanarA long time ago, a Shaperian woman went against the sexist rules of society and became a healer. Unfortunately, one day, a bandit tricked her into coming to his camp. As she tried to escape from the bandits, she cried out for help and was transformed into a tree by a passing djinn. In Trial by Fire, Aziza relates this story to the Hero and tells him how to restore Julanar's sense of self in order to obtain the Fruit of Compassion he needs for a Dispel Potion. In between games, Salim ventures to Shapeir and restores Julanar's humanity, the pair falling in love and marrying before moving to Silmaria, where they meet their friend the Hero once more.: By the time of Dragon Fire, to Salim.: In Dragon Fire, all you have to do is walk into the Apothecary while injured and boom, she'll instantly heal you.NawarOne of the many harem girls in Raseir's palace, Nawar's first introduction is a voice making lots (and we do mean lots) of innuendo when the Hero sneaks through the harem on his way to battle Ad Avis. She returns in Dragon Fire, having been uncomfortable with the peace and going with Ferrari to Silmaria. At the Dead Parrot Inn, she serves as a dancer and the manager of the inn's games of chance.
Quest For Glory Katrina Photos
She's also a potential love interest for the hero (and the most obvious), being best suited to Thieves but available to all classes.: In, she is just one of many harem girls, not even having a distinct sprite. The only thing that makes her noticeable is that she is more flirty than the others.
In, she's a full blown love interest.: She responds well to plain jewelry, unlike the other women, who prefer magical trinkets. YesufuSon of the leader (Laibon) of the Simbani. Less eager for war than his father, he is divided by his father and people's wishes, and the Hero and Uhura's words for peace.
Yesufu is soon to enter his rite of passage, in which he will compete against the Hero if he is a fighter or paladin. Despite this rivalry, he forms a strong friendship with the Hero, and eagerly comes to his aid at the end of the game.: He becomes a fast friend to the Hero, and is ready to back you up and be there for you when you need him.: He and the Hero compete in the Simbani initiation ceremony and over Johari, but it's completely amicable between them and Yesufu enjoys playing games with and talking to the Hero.: He immediately kills the leopardman chief when he kills the Laibon.Rajah Sah TarnaRakeesh's younger brother, and current king of Tarna. Eager to send Tarna to war, and comes off as a bit of a, but. A bit of an ego.: Subverted, in that he does give Rakeesh's peace solution a chance and.: The main reason he is so eager for war: he sent Rakeesh's daughter as an envoy to the Leopardman. She was like a daughter to him, and when her peace mission was attacked, Rajah wants nothing more than to avenge her.
He even questions Rakeesh's reluctance to go to war over his own daughter.Salim NafsThe resident apothecary in Tarna, as well as an out-and-out tree-hugging hippie. Salim is eager to help out the Hero because of his auspicious aura, and in return learns that his dreams of a tree becoming a beautiful woman are real. CraniumA who has taken up residence in Mordavia in order to conduct his experiments which include,. He helps the Hero out by brewing up healing potions in return for running minor fetch quests.: In order to advance in the game, you need to give Cranium some missing formulae. Which come printed in the game manual.: Of Dr. Brain, from another Sierra series; gets a lampshade in-game.: He insists that all magic is either nonsense or science that people don't understand yet.: Frankie, his greatest creation.: Better keep your handy when he unveils Frankie.: Cranium is the only consistent source of healing and poison cure potions in the game.: The doctor's Rehydration Solution, when you finally get it, is described as 'If you didn't know any better, you'd think this was just an ordinary bottle of water.'
They ALL call me mad, but what do they know of madness? I am not mad! A bit perturbed about the world situation and how I get so little respect, perhaps.
But certainly not mad!' . Also: 'Some call me mad, but I much prefer 'Dr. TanyaThe daughter of Yuri and Bella Markarov, the innkeepers in Mordavia. When things got bad in the valley, her parents tried to keep her safely locked up, but a large furry creature named Toby befriended her by visiting her secretly at night.
When he gave her a doll, her parents got even more worried, and Toby took her away to Castle Borgov, where Katrina turned her into a vampire. She does miss her parents, but is convinced they hate her and would be scared of her now that she's a 'Bad Thing'. The Hero can restore Tanya, but it requires 'the sacrifice of life for love'.
Which Toby willingly gives, to Tanya's horror. She's really nice as long as you're friendly to her, but if you try to attack her, she'll hypnotize and then bite you.: Surprisingly energetic for a vampire.IgorMordavia's gravedigger, he is. Um, well, he's the standard type. The biggest departure is his generally chipper attitude and love of. The first major event of the game is Igor's disappearance, which leads to the villagers capturing a gypsy in their paranoia.
The Hero finds Igor trapped in a grave at the graveyard and rescues him, earning him the friendship of both Igor and the gypsies.: 'Hah hah, little graveyard humor there!' .: Duh!.: Oh lord, the puns.: If you ask him about Rumors, he'll say something like 'Igor not hear rumors. Igor not hear Insert rumor here. Igor not know Insert another rumor here. Igor not hear many things.' AvoozlMore commonly referred to as the Dark One, he is the source of Mordavia's woes.
The Hero must prevent him from being summoned to Glorianna, lest he shroud the world in (non-literal) darkness.: Looks like a cross of and a.: The Dark One's cave is Avoozl partially summoned into Glorianna. Magnum OpusA Hesperian hero who came to Silmaria to participate in the Rites of Rulership.
Quest For Glory 1 Download
He has a reputation for heroism, but unfortunately, not one for his massive ego. He is the second sacrifice made to destroy the Dragon Pillars that bind the Dragon of Doom.: And he'll never let you forget it, boasting about his martial prowess at every opportunity.

He is a skilled warrior, but it doesn't justify the ego.: Dies after the second rite.:. Not entirely. He does win the first challenge if you don't. And in the Arena, he tends to defeat any opponent except (usually) Elsa.: 'I, Magnum Opus.'