Torchlight 2 Respec Stats

Torchlight 2 Respec Stats 1
(Multiplayer Friendly Respec - No Cheat Flag) The console command to spawn respec potions into Torchlight 2 has always existed, but using the command would flag your character for cheats, making it much harder to find multiplayer games. One thoughtful player, Chewtoy, has put together a modified version of the sharedstash file that contains a full tab of the respec potions. This way you can respec your skills and easily change the stash back to normal all without being flagged by the cheater system. Use it sparingly!Link for mod page:Find out when I release new videos and interact with me on Twitter!Alternate Channel full of real life stuff and YouTube success:Real Life Highscore - My very own site for intelligent gamers and YouTubers.This Torchlight 2 video is commentary in nature and is educational in nature. As such it's creation and monetization through YouTube is protected under 'Fair Use' as defined in the Copyright Act 1968.
This video commentary is my original creation.