The Sopranos Italian Slang

The Sopranos Italian Slang 8,5/10 9025 votes

WARNINGThis text contains vulgarities and foul language.If you are offended by such speech-acts, please refrain from reading further.Let'sstart at the beginning. Bon giornoCiao. Every Italian from Italyknows these words and every Italian-American should.IT buon giornoBut whatabout the goomba? Those words and phrases that are a little Italian, alittle American, and a little slang. Words every paesanoand Bacciagaloophas heard, words we hear throughout our Little Italy neighborhoods of New Yorkand New Jersey.FromIT.

Compare= buddy.Paesano= Person from thesame paese, townFrom Bacigaluppo acommon last name fromthePiedmontregion in Northern Italy. Probably it means 'Northern Italian'This form of language, the 'Goomba-Italiano' has been used forgenerations. It's not gangster slang terms like 'whack' or 'vig', ifthat's what you are thinking-nope, this is real Guido tawk!Ithink 'Guido.' Is racist and derogatory. I object even morewhen Italian Americans use it to describe themeselves.The goomba says ciao when he arrives or leaves.

He says'Madonna Mia' anytime emotion is needed in any given situation.MannaggiaFrom It. Malene abbia, in dialect male ne aggia = may he have evil or may evil have himmeengyaFrom Sicilian minchia = the male genital organ.Equivalent to a four-letter word to express anything from surprise toanger to admiration.oofah,U ffa= sigh. When you are bored, exasperated or annoyed.and of course, va fongool can also be used.From IT ' vaia fare in culo,' or, in the spelling of Pier Paolo Pasolini ' vaffanculo'= go get f.

In the ass.Capeesh?From IT. Capisci= do you understand, or 'you know what I mean?' He uses amopeen to wipe his hands in the cuchina,gets agitafrom the gravy (SAUCE to the NJ gang)moppina= from mop, towelIT cucina =, kitchenFromIT acidita' = acidity. It also suggests a state of 'agitation, restlessness'that comes from an upset stomach - maybe with psychological implications.and will shkeeve (meatballs unless they are homemade from the famiglia.From IT schifo = disgust, here used as a verb, to shkeeve.Always foonah your breadin the pot of gravy (sauce ) or you will be considered a realcoogootz ora Mezzo-finookio.foonah:from IT ' affondare'= to sink, to dunk. In dialect it becomes 'affunnah',further shortened into 'foonah'.From IT cucuzza = pumpkin, polysemic word indicating a blockhead,or in other contexts money etc.From IT finocchio= fennel.

Sopranos dialogue slang

Slang for homosexual. Mezzo finocchio = half fennel, sissyThere are usually plenty of mamalukesFrom IT Mamalucco, originally Arabicfor 'slave' then the name of a Northern African militia that fought theCrusaders. In Italian it standsfor dumb and dumberandthe girl from the neighborhood with the reputation is a facia-bruta,puttanaor a skifosa.IT facciabrutta = ugly facePuttana =whoreIT schifosa= disgusting one, i.e. Whore.If you arecalled gattiv,cabbadost,IT cattivo = meancapatosta= dialect for 'stubborn' 'heardheaded.' It is a default insult forCalabresi (people from the Calabria region) who apparently have areputation for being stubborn.sfatcheem, stupidoorsfatcheem:dialect word that literally means 'sperm.' To call someone asfatcheem is actually a compliment as it means slick, smart, cunningindividual (son of a gun.)strunz,you are usually a pain in the ass.From ITstronzo = turd, i.e. Asshole, jerk.A crazy diavlocan give you the malokyabut that red horn (contra malokya) will protect you if you use it right.IT diavolo, =devilfrommalocchio = evil eyeDon't forget to always say per favore and grazia and prego.P er favore= pleasegraziaIT grazie = thank youprego youare welcome, lit.

If youdon't get any of this, then fa NabolaItliterallymeans 'do the Neapolitan way' i.e. The same as va fongool. The interestingthing is that in Italywe do not have expressions to suggest sodomitic proclivities on the partof Neapolitans. Not that I know of, at least. It must be peculiar toIt-Am.with thewhole thing and you are a disgraziato.E tymologically:'outside the grace of god', irresponsible, good for nothing.Scuzi,mia dispiachay.

Ididn't mean that.!.Scusi = sorryIT midispiace = sorryJust. And you shouldknow what this means.© 2003 by Fabio Girelli-Carasi.


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The Sopranos Italian Slang Dictionary

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