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So if you guys haven't heard, the breaking news today, then lemme spell it out for you.Today is the last day that the OGPlanet Server of SD Gundam Capsule Fighter Online will be online. After today is over, it will be shut down forever.And a lot of people have asked what I think of this game's death. And here's what I have to say to it.In regards to SPECIFICALLY the OGPlanet Server of SDGO.
Here are my final words to them:┌∩┐(◣◢)┌∩┐ FAREWELL & GOOD FUCKING RIDDENCE! ┌∩┐(◣◢)┌∩┐The OGPlanet Server of SDGO was EASILY one of the Worst SDGO Servers I've ever played on, in all 9 years of me playing this game on Several Different Servers of the Game.Now some of you may say 'WHOA, Wacky! Don't you think that's way too harsh? I mean the game's about to die after all. Why not show some respect for it?' No I will not.
OGPlanet's SDGO Server will get ZERO Sympathy from me, even despite the fact that it's shutting down now.And tonight, I'm gonna tell all of you WHY this is, and I'm gonna expose OGPlanet's SDGO Server for all the BULLSHIT that went down on that server back then.Take a seat, people. Because Good Ol' Wacky's got a tall tale to tell all of you.So without further ado, Let's begin.It all started way back when SDGO OGPlanet was born. It was a very weak server back then, and suffered from Severe Lack of Content, even for a 4th Generation Server. I made a video in the past, calling out this bullshit on OGPlanet's part.
But I did this NOT on the Game Chat itself, and NOT on the SDGO OGPlanet Forms at all. I was completely outside their territory, and chose to call out their bullshit on YouTube instead. My video ended up going Viral on the SDGO OGPlanet Forums back then. And what did they respond with? All the Mods on the game at the time immediately HATED MY GUTS. They tried to publicly slander me in-game, calling me 'A Negative Influence' on their server. And what's worse?

They started CENSORING people on the forums who questioned their way of handling the server in the same way that I did. They started out by giving people warnings at first, to not do that shit again.
But people kept pressing on; ignoring those warning entirely to show their opinions and beliefs in Freedom of Speech. But those who persisted ended up getting Banned from the SDGO OGPlanet Forums entirely. But that right there was only the beginning of it all. I fired the first shot, but that was.nothing. compared to what One Clan would discover going on under wraps with the Mods of this SDGO Server.Then comes Clan Okami. This clan consisted of quite a few famous people from the Gundam Fan Community on YouTube that a lot of you may be familiar with. Including, but not limited to:- Prime92- EVAUNIT4A (CollectionsDX)- StryderPrimeAnd just under a year ago, I myself joined Clan Okami with them.
But after I started talking with them about my blistering hatred towards OGPlanet's Bullshit, that's when something very unexpected happened. They started telling me about bullshit that OGPlanet had going on with its SDGO Server that I had Absolutely No Idea about. And what I heard from them, was absolutely shocking, disgusting, appalling, and vulgar of them to do.Now what exactly did Clan Okami find out?
What treachery did they stumble upon that I originally wasn't aware of? Well, it all goes like this.For anybody who has played SDGO OGPlanet, like I have in the past, then you are probably aware of that stupidly retarded policy that OGPlanet had, that the Top 33 Astro Spenders would get Free Shit that wasn't even officially released on the Server at the time Early as a reward for throwing the most money at OGPlanet's SDGO Server.
Now this may just sound like typical Pay2Win Bullshit from an MMO Company. But Clan Okami noticed a pattern going on with this system that suddenly raised a lot of suspicion that foul play was going on. Because upon taking a closer look at the winners of each month, they noticed that every single month, it was always The Same Exact People winning in almost The Same Order for months now. Clan Okami started to do some digging on this matter, and what we discovered completely changed everything. The people who kept on getting the same shit over and over again each month, were all from 2 Specific Clans. At the time, they were the two biggest clans on the entire server.
Crossbone Vanguard and Oldtypes. And after looking into these people a bit further; not just on the forums, but also in-game as well. We finally found a connection. All of the people who were constantly winning every month over and over again, also just so happened to be FRIENDS of Secutor.
Now, who is Secutor? Well, here's the deal about him.
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Secutor was one of the Game Moderators of SDGO OGPlanet in the past. He was one of the biggest douchebags on the entire server, was corrupted beyond all belief, and abusive of his Mod Powers. And as I just said, all the people who constantly kept winning, were all his friends.YES! You guessed it! Secutor was literally RIGGING the entire Astro Awards System so that His Friends would constantly keep winning and they would get all the fancy shit above everyone else in the server.
If that isn't Abuse of Mod Powers, IDK WHAT IS!!! Once Clan Okami exposed Secutor's ass on the OGPlanet Forums, you all can imagine the SHITSTORM that took place. Everyone on the OGPlanet Forums was ABSOLUTELY FURIOUS, and rightfully so! They all demanded En Masse that Secutor be FIRED and relieved of his modding duties Immediately. And did they oblige?
Gundam Capsule Fighter Online
No they did not. Instead, all that happened to Secutor was that he ended up getting let off the hook with a warning. Nothing more than a slap on the fucking wrist. This incident is what sparked the seed of revolt against SDGO OGPlanet's Management, that even to the very end, didn't fade away.Now then, that right there was the first major incident regarding Secutor.
You'd think after getting exposed like that, that Secutor learned his lesson to start being professional and never do something like that ever again, right? Because some time after that, yet Another Incident happened that was much much worse. And this second incident is one that OGPlanet, up until the very end of the server's life, NEVER managed to fully recover from.In the past, OGPlanet hosted an event where Drop Rates for special items won in missions were increased way higher than the norm. This event wasn't too bad when it first started. That was until Clan Okami realized that something was wrong with the Drop Rates.
The Drop Rates in game were WAY HIGHER than the ones that were being advertised on the event. They had no idea why at first, and first assumed it to be a glitch. But oh no, this was no glitch at all. Because upon looking into it more, it was later revealed that the one causing the higher drop rates was.

You Guessed It! He was the culprit behind all of it. During this entire event, Secutor and all of his friends from Crossbone Vanguard and Oldtypes were all yucking it up in a PvP Lobby with each other at the time. And all of his friends were literally EGGING HIM ON to keep increasing the drop rates Higher and Higher. And he continued to do so, up until the Drop Rates peaked at a max of 85% INCREASED DROP RATES. This increase caused a MASSIVE Malfunction to OGPlanet's Servers, and resulted in UNBELIEVABLY Bad Lag all across the entire server. Secutor was literally forced to put the drop rates down back to normal so that the Server could stabilize more.
But that wasn't enough. This event was one that SDGO OGPlanet's Servers were never able to fully recover from. Any SDGO OGPlanet players Know Damn Well how bad the lag was for YEARS now. And if you were wondering wtf started it all, you know.Yet again, Secutor was exposed for his treachery on the forums by Clan Okami, and there was yet Another Shitstorm that took place. But this time around, Secutor and his Friends were not having any of that shit. Crossbone Vanguard and Oldtypes were FURIOUS, and actually Threatened Clan Okami with multiple actions; Including finding a way to get them banned from the server via Secutor's Help.
And for what? All because they Exposed their bullshit they were all doing?
Are these clowns fucking For Real???But wait! There's more! Secutor was then exposed during this incident by creating a Fake Account; disguising himself as a basic member of OGPlanet, and pretending to be a part of this revolt. What's even funnier is that he sent EVAUNIT4A threatening messages on the OGPlanet forums; threatening to ban him if he EVER does something like this again. What a fucking hypocrite.Eventually, Secutor ended up getting taken off SDGO's Management. But even without Secutor's presence, the rest of the OGPlanet Management didn't have a problem with being assholes either way. They still, to the very end, continued to CENSOR people who called out their ways of running the server.
Even something as basic as Simple Advice on how they could possibly improve the releasing of Mobile Suits on the server to get them more up to date with the other SDGO Servers, was not tolerated whatsoever. People who did ended up getting Warnings for their behavior, and those who persisted ended up getting banned.Well now, I think I've said enough about this matter to convince all of you reading this novel right here that SDGO OGPlanet Server was a Festering Tub of Ass. So I think I'll stop here.
But there ya have it, folks. This is a true story that took place with this server, and how Secutor and his Fuckboy Friends from Crossbone Vanguard and Oldtypes managed to ruin an entire SDGO Server for everyone else and turn it into a giant cesspool of bullshit for everyone.Before I wrap up, I wanna get some final Flip-Offs here:FUCK YOU, Secutor! FUCK YOU, Crossbone Vanguard! And FUCK YOU, Oldtypes!Thank you for Ruining SDGO OGPlanet for Everyone while the server was still alive.┌∩┐(◣◢)┌∩┐ ALL OF YOU CAN GO TO HELL! ┌∩┐(◣◢)┌∩┐Anyway.Thanks for reading, guys!
I hope you all at least learned something from all of this! Having read this on the Gundam reddit ealier let me go ahead and say that hearing of Nepotism on such a scale makes me sick. These idiots turned one of the only PC Gundam games out there into their own private fucking playground for them and their little idiot troupe. I want to beat the shit out of these idiots for damaging a NA Gundam Community and driving people away from an actual PC Gundam game.Fuck them, and fuck their practices. I'm sad to see SDGO go purely because it's a Gundam game on PC.
Otherwise, fuck OGPlanet for letting this go on.