Hoi4 Berlin Moscow Axis

Hoi4 Berlin Moscow Axis 8,6/10 9986 votes

This is a call for help.I am currently writing an important history paper on the Battle of Berlin. During my research I read that on the night of April 27, 1945 (I think) the Soviets scored a direct hit on the Reich Chancellery garage, destroying it completely, including about six cars that were still being stored there.I have since forgotten where I came across this information, and have been over most everything I was reading at the time, including Beevor's book, and I can't find it again. I really need to cite the reference in my paper. I'd be grateful if anyone recalls seeing this information mentioned anywhere and can tell me where they saw it.If you can help, please email me! I've done a brief seek in my library but I've been unable to find anything, so let's try an indirect approach.After Hitler committed suicide on 30 April 1945 (I swear this message is related to your question ) his body and, also, Eva Braun's body were cremated the same day in the garden next to the Chancellery. This work was performed by Erich Kempka, Otto Gunsche and Heinz Linge (among others) using 180-200 litres of gasoline. It's not clear if the bodies were completely burned by mean of the gasoline because of the heavy soviet artillery bombardment which, probably, destroyed the bodies, but that isn't important.

Hoi4 berlin moscow axisHoi4 berlin moscow axis 2

Right now.And now, my point: 200 litres of gasoline it's a HUGE amount of gasoline, I guess it was a hard work to find gasoline during the end of the war due to the lack of fuel everywhere, and we must remember whoever provided the gasoline had to perform his search under soviet fire, that is, he had to hurry up. So, my question: where did the 200 litres of gasoline came from? A close spot, sure.In 'The last days of Hitler: legend, evidence, truth' by Anton Joachimsthaler it's possible to read the following testimonies (pages 206 to 208, softcover edition).garage supervisor Schneider told me in prison in Moscow that he had supplied the petrol.

Hoi4 Berlin Moscow Axis

On 29 April 1945 I myself had seen about twelve cans standing in the upper part of the Fuhrerbunker which were no longer there on 30 April 1945.And, as Kempka also stated, during the course of the late afternoon of 30 April 1945 'further petrol' to continue the cremation was demanded and provided.This would tie in with Mansfeld's statement that while he was on guard duty in the observation tower during the afternoon of 30 April he observed. During the morning of 1 May 1945 I again sent petrol to the fuhrerbunker after receiving an order by telephone. The order came from Albrecht.

I sent along four cans, which was all I could manage from the final reserves.